Nancy Lunsford opens her third solo exhibition at the 440 Gallery with "HEX," a show of drawings, paintings and assemblage. The exhibition runs from April 2nd through May 10, with an opening reception on Thursday, April 2,
6 - 9 p. m..
“HEX” refers to the hexagon, a recurring shape in the work, and, also suggests... a spell, or a curse. The work is dominated by the geometry of traditional Appalachian quilt patterns. One large canvas is a honey colored maze of hexagons. [Some of her] wall-mounted sculptures are constructed in the traditional "contained crazy" pattern. There are also drawings that represent the hexadecimal base 16 numeral system (hex), used in computer engineering, the artist's nod toward the blessing and curse of the digital revolution. Noting the universal recurrence of geometric patterns in nature, folk art and even the pixilation of contemporary image making, the artist states "It is not so much the content but the shape and patterns themselves that have the power to mesmerize".
Lunsford was steeped in the folk art and music of her native Appalachian upbringing and received a BA in Art History and English Literature from NYU. She later studied traditional Indonesian art forms at the National Art Academy in Jakarta, sculpture in Italy, and animation at NYU. Ms. Lunsford recently participated in an exhibition atApel Gallery, in Istanbul, Turkey, and in 2008 had a solo show at the Brooklyn Artists' Gym. One of the founders of 440 Gallery, Lunsford shows regularly in the 440 members gallery and [has] had two previous solo shows at 440, "Pieces," in 2006, and "Reclaiming Red," in 2005.
"Hex,” The art of Nancy Lunsford
April 2 - May 10, 2009
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 2, 6 - 9 pm
440 Gallery
440 6th Avenue
Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 499-3844
Gallery Hours:
Thursdays and Fridays from 4 - 7 p. m.
Saturdays and Sundays from 12 - 6 p. m.
Travel information:
The 440 Gallery is convenient to the F Train's 4th Avenue and 7th Avenue Stops, and to the R Train's 9th Steet Stop in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
I was at the opening. it was packed and the work was provocative and challenging! Go see it!